Here’s What the Size of Your Pinkie Says About You


There are so many fun ways you can learn a little bit more about your personality based on your go-to sleeping position or handwriting, but there are some traits you’re born with that might give you some insight into who you are.

In this case? We’re looking at the size of our pinkies!

Just like all of our fingerprints are one-of-a-kind, the size and shape of our pinkies are really unique to us. These results might not be based on any scientific research or health findings, but they are founded in the ancient art of palmistry. Palmistry is a technique used by fortune tellers to get a glimpse into someone’s personality or future just by the lines on their hands and shape of their hands.

Palmists have noted that one way to really read someone is by observing the size of their pinky. Apparently, the size of your little finger dictates one of three personalities — and ours was weirdly on point.

Take a look at your hand right now, and observe where your pinkie falls in relation to the top line on your ring finger. Does it fall above this line, on it, or below it? Make sure to read the personalities below and see how accurate yours is!

Type A // On the Line


If your pinkie falls right on the top line of your ring finger, this is what it could say about your personality:

Type B // Below the Line


If your pinkie falls below the top line of your ring finger, this is what it could say about your personality:

Type C // Above the Line


If your pinkie falls above the top line of your ring finger, this is what it could say about your personality:

How accurate was your pinkie finger palm reading? Make sure to share your results and how correct they were with us!

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