The fever surrounding Avengers: Endgame has not gone down and whether you believe it or not, there are still some people who have not seen the movie yet. They either haven’t had the time, are waiting until the hype dies down, or don’t plan to see it at all.

For those in the first two categories, they plan on seeing the blockbuster and do NOT want to hear any spoilers. They purposely avoid reading them, watching them online, or listening to some TV personality chat about it on the screen.

But there is one channel they can’t control: talkative humans in their direct vicinity or their social media comments. People, fights have been started and folks have gotten slapped for ruining the outcome of Endgame. However, one man chose to wage a Count of Monte Christo psychological war against the guy who spoiled Avengers: Infinity War for him. Nothing could stop the revenge.

It all began on social media. . . .but we must warn you, if you haven’t seen the movie yet, DO NOT CONTINUE READING this post, as it contains SPOILERS.

Reddit user Jus10Sch shared that his plot unfolded last year on Instagram after he expressed his excitement about seeing Infinity War. He used the hashtag, “#Thanosdemandsyoursilence” which attracted the attention of a random Insta troll who responded with a list of all the movie’s deaths.

Instead of shooting the guy a flipped birth emoji or blowing it off, he decided to comment back that he already saw the movie but thanks for the good prank. Thus, a fake social media friendship was born. The two swapped memes, jokes, and messages for 7 months.

The poster wrote:

“(Keep in mind the friendship was fake, I was just trying to get his trust and make him comfortable with me.) Skip forward to about last week. I bought my Endgame tickets and I was going opening night. I asked him if he was going opening night and he said no, which was great news. He said he was going next week (this week.) So I saw Endgame, and while I was in the theater, I took PLENTY of pictures. I took pictures of Thanos death #1, Captain Marvel, Ronin, Black Widow’s death, Smart Hulk, Fat Thor, 2 Captain America’s, 2 Nebulas, Stan Lee’s cameo, all the snapped coming back, Iron Man’s death, and several other plot points. When I got out, I almost thought of not doing it. I don’t like to spoil movies, I think it’s lame, but I reassured myself that this guy deserves it. So I texted him that I saw it, he asked how it was and I told him it was great, he told me not to spoil it, and I said ‘Oh, like how you spoiled Infinity War.’ Then he switched moods, he was all like “Hey man, that was a long time ago, we’re friends now,” Stuff like that. Then, in one glorious action, I sent all the pictures as fast as I could, messaging plot points along with the pictures. It was all over in like 30 seconds, but he definitely saw it all. He cursed me out, saying I was a horrible person and stuff. Then he said ‘Why would you do that, we’re such good friends?’ And I texted back, ‘we’re not friends, a year ago you picked me out of a crowd of thousands and ruined a movie that I had been wanting to see for months, since then I’ve been lying to you, deceiving you and gaining your trust all for this moment. You are not my friend, just a person who got what they deserve.’ Then, he cursed me out some more, and I haven’t talked to him since.”

In what turned out to be his own Infinity War snap, the guy ended it. The original post has since been removed from Reddit, but not without thousands of comments. Some are labeling the revenger as a sociopath, some called him a jerk for whipping out his phone in the theater, while others joked that it’s a “soul for a soul” or that his payback was sweet. Your thoughts?

Do you believe this story? What do you think of this nearly year-long quest for vengeance?

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