Warmer temperatures and rainy days make for the perfect cocktail to attract mosquitoes. In certain parts of the country, it’s prime time for the bugs and all the itchy misery they bring.

To highlight the mosquito-ridden times we are living in, pest control company Orkin just released their annual list for the Top 50 Mosquito Cities. It is the guide you didn’t know you needed to check this season and can be used as a tool to help you enact your anti-mosquito protection plan.

According to Orkin’s press release, their list ranks cities based on where customers were served during a 12-month period. The company notes that 2018 saw more than 2,500 cases of West Nile virus, and they recommend pest control treatments to reduce mosquito populations.

Some places are new to the list while others moved up or down in the ranks. If you’re a mosquito magnet, protect yourself when in one of these top 20 American cities with the worst skeeter problems:

  1. Atlanta, GA

    Fellow Atlanteans, I feel your pain. Though you can find these buggers any time of day ready to bite you and your pets, it seems to get particularly bad around sunset – and after. According to Orkin, this is the sixth time in a row at number one.

  2. New York, NY

    Up a spot from last year.

  3. Washington, DC

    Our nation’s capital also moved upwards one spot.

  4. Chicago, IL

    The Windy City also rose up in the ranks one place.

  5. Houston, TX

    This city jumped up the list by two places.

  6. Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

    This area dropped 4 places. Not quite relief but maybe things are improving?

  7. Detroit, MI

    Went from number 11 to 7.

  8. Philadelphia, PA

    A drastic increase in mosquito activity in Philly moved the city up 9 spots.

  9. Charlotte, NC

    Moved on up from number 10 to 9.

  10. Raleigh-Durham, NC

    This North Carolina region gets really humid, and an increase in wet weather sets up mosquito-loving conditions. That could explain why it moved up 5 places on the list.

  11. Phoenix, AZ

    Phoenix didn’t crack the top 20 last time, but climbed 14 places up the list.

  12. Los Angeles, CA

    News stories in La-La Land speak of how the Aedes and Culex species of mosquito are spreading through the town. It could why the city’s moved up 4 spots.

  13. Boston, MA

    This time, Boston skyrocketed up the ranks from #33, landing it in the top 20. What’s happening?

  14. Miami, FL

    Take the repellent before heading out for good times at South Beach or a night on the town. But take comfort in knowing that MIA dropped 6 places.

  15. Baltimore, MD

    Whatever is going on in Baltimore was bad enough to lift it up 27 places on the list. Sorry.

  16. Richmond, VA

    The mosquito spread in Richmond bumped it up the list by 14 places, sending it from #30 to here.

  17. Nashville, TN

    There’s a little less activity in Nashville, as the town moved down the list by 4 spots.

  18. Tampa, FL

    The same is true for Tampa!

  19. Indianapolis, IN

    Out of the top 50 cities, Indy has hovered close to the middle, but moved up 5 places this year.

  20. St. Louis, MO

    St. Louis is doing something right to lower their mosquito numbers, because the city dropped 14 spots down the list this year.

To combat a mosquito zone around your home, it is recommended to get rid of stagnant water sources around your property where mosquitoes like to lay eggs. Buckets, rain gutters, puddles in gardens, and pools attract them, so be diligent about these areas.

Wear protective clothing, carry repellent, and burn your citronella when outdoors. But you can always call a pest control service to help out too!

Where does your city rank on this list? Are you shocked by these rankings? Are you a mosquito magnet?

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