A few weeks ago, my husband pulled a carton of ice cream out of the freezer, grabbed a spoon, and started going to town. And it got me thinking about how gross it was. (No, I wasn’t thinking he needed to put the ice cream in a bowl—if you’ve never eaten ice cream out of the carton, have you even lived? I digress.)

Something just clicked in this moment and I can’t get it out of my head. And I just can’t imagine I’m the only one who feels this way, so I just need to talk about it.

I know this is probably a majorly unpopular opinion, and I apologize to anyone who I offend, but it’s gotta be said: Mint chocolate chip ice cream should not exist.


Allow me to explain.

Let me first start out by saying I’m really not a picky eater. I pretty much love every kind of food, and will always try something at least once—especially when it comes to ice cream. I mean, ice cream is arguably the best dessert ever. It’s creamy, sweet, and satisfies you like no other. But there’s one flavor—my husband’s flavor of choice—that I just can’t get around.

I want to make it known that I don’t think mint is a gross flavor. Mint is great! …For toothpaste. Who doesn’t love brushing their teeth and have their mouth feel minty fresh? I sure do.

But think about eating chocolate chips after that? Or better yet, adding chocolate onto your toothbrush? You think that would fly? You really want to mix these two flavors? It just doesn’t make sense!

On that same note, toothpaste isn’t freezing cold. Would you ever stick a tube of toothpaste in the freezer then? Yeah, you wouldn’t do that, would you? Let’s just keep toothpaste and mints as breath fresheners and dessert to other things—like tasting good.

Besides tasting gross, I can’t get behind that artificial color of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Green is a great color for vegetables. Or grass. Or frogs. It’s even a great scarf color. But not ice cream! Why is it such a bright green color? It just isn’t natural. It’s like they just took hundreds of Listerine strips and let the flavor and color seep into perfectly good ice cream. It’s a crime, I tell you, a crime!

You might’ve guessed by now that it’s not just mint chocolate chip ice cream I despise—it’s all desserts that combine mint and chocolate. York Peppermint patties? Why. Thin Mints? The worst. It’s not like a piece of candy is going to help freshen your breath—if I really wanted to do that I’d pop a piece of gum.

Cookie dough ice cream? Yes. Strawberry and cream? Obviously. Chocolate coconut? You better believe it. But mint chocolate chip ice cream is just not okay and will never be okay in my eyes.

All right, who agrees with me that mint chocolate chip ice cream is gross? Or are you actually a mint chocolate chip fan? If so, we’d love to hear what you possibly enjoy about this heinous flavor!

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