We’re all struggling right now—every single one of us. The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t discriminate against who it takes its toll on; everyone across countries is feeling the effects. And yes, that even includes celebrities, especially those with kids at home who they’re forced to homeschool.

For example, Drew Barrymore recently opened up about her struggles with homeschooling her kids, saying she’s cried every day of doing it. It really made her appreciate the work teachers do—at least, the work they did in person before coronavirus struck.

And now, the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton is going through something similar. The royal has also come forward to discuss how hard of a time she’s having.

With three young children at home, it hasn’t been an easy ride as she’s had to homeschool all of them—all of different ages—at the same time.

So what’s that like, even for someone who seems to have it all? Not easy! That’s not even something professional teachers are used to doing, let alone a mom stuck at home.

One of the biggest struggles Middleton has had to deal with while homeschooling is that her oldest son, Prince George, has been open about being jealous of middle sister Princess Charlotte’s school work. It turns out that Charlotte has a lot more fun work to do and George is stuck doing the hard stuff.

“George gets very upset because he just wants to do all of Charlotte’s projects, like making sort of spider sandwiches is far cooler than doing literacy work,” Middleton says.

Hey, we can totally understand that! We’d much rather made a spider sandwich than have to read a boring book. We feel you, George.

On top of taking on the role of teacher and mom at the same time, Middleton has also recently launched “Hold Still,” a photography project that captures people around the UK’s mood during the pandemic.

In collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery, Middleton wanted to be able to capture what everyone is going through during this time. Again, the virus does not discriminate, and we’re all feeling our fair share of feelings.

“We’ve all been struck by some of the incredible images we’ve seen which have given us an insight into the experiences and stories of people across the country. Some desperately sad images showing the human tragedy of this pandemic and other uplifting pictures showing people coming together to support those more vulnerable,” Kate said in a statement.

To hear more about how homeschooling is going on top of everything else, plus more about Hold Still, check out this interview with Middleton herself in the view below.

Have you had to homeschool your kids during the coronavirus crisis? How have you been doing it on top of other responsibilities that pile up?

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