Most of us can admit that we could use a little more organization in our lives. Who doesn’t want to see less clutter around the house and more efficiency with day-to-day tasks? We can’t tell you how to make all your household clutter disappear, but you can start small with this brilliant three-tiered organizing system! You might be saying to yourself, “WHERE am I going to put an organizer?” When space is limited in your home, it seems like a clunky organizer is just going to make things worse rather than better, right? But this organizer doesn’t take up critical space, it utilizes a unexpected place which we guarantee is empty somewhere in your house: the back of any door.

This vertical storage space is generally overlooked because, let’s face it, it’s not a traditional way to organize things. But if you’re looking to de-clutter and you have limited storage space, then we say throw tradition to the wind! Sometimes you have to be creative to make your home the way you want it to be.

The great thing about this organizer isn’t just the uncharted space it takes up, but it’s also extremely functional. With three tiers to it, this DIY comes with a cork board section, a chalkboard section, and a file folder section. That means you officially have someplace to hang wedding invitations, write daily reminders, and store that mail you just haven’t gotten around to reading yet!

Best of all, this is a super simple DIY. All the materials you need to make this organizer a reality are cheap and easy to find, and it can basically be made on a lazy Sunday afternoon. This would be such a fun project to do with your partner, kids, or friends!

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:



  1.  Cut the cork board the size of your first door panel.
  2. Cover the back of the cork board with spray adhesive. Stick the cork into the panel and press firmly so it sticks.
  3. Sand down the second panel to prep for the paint.
  4. Mix the chalkboard paint thoroughly before painting the second door panel.
  5. Finally, screw the file folders into the third panel of the door.

As you can see, this DIY relies very much on paneled doors – but if you don’t have traditional door panels, that’s okay! You can still create these three sections on the back of your door; you could split your door into three areas, then take up the entire width of each section with cork, paint, or files. You could also separate each section with something fun, like brightly colored ribbon.

Also, when you’re using chalk paint, it’s important to keep in mind that it has to be mixed VERY thoroughly before use. Because there’s so much in the paint, things tend to settle at the bottom of the can. For the best results, mix well.

In a matter of minutes, you’ll have a stylish organizer that has three amazing functions and takes up no precious space in your home! What do you think of this easy DIY? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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