As parents, we know that raising children is completely amazing and very rewarding, but we also know that it can be very stressful and even overwhelming. It starts from day one when you hold your new baby in your arms.

You know the first sound that greets a new parent? A crying baby. Hearing your baby cry for the first time is actually a relief. It means that your baby is alive and well, breathing air for the very first time.

What’s not great is when you bring the bundle of joy home from the hospital and the baby cries for what seems like no reason. You’ve checked the diaper. You’ve made sure baby isn’t hungry. You’ve rocked and shushed and tried all the usual tricks, but your baby still cries.

It’s enough to make a parent go to desperate measures. We’ve had times when we literally felt like crying and screaming right along with our babies. Maybe we should have tried that.

One dad was desperately trying to get his crying newborn baby to calm down, and he found a trick that actually worked amazingly well. What did he do? He cried right along with his baby!

Seriously. It worked. In a video he filmed, his baby is crying and crying that all too familiar baby cry. Then we can hear dad, off camera, mimicking the crying noises that his baby was making.

Emphasis on the word “was.” That’s right. As soon as dad starting making the crying sounds, his baby stopped crying. Instead, the baby looked at him with a confused expression. We’ll take confused over crying any day.

The little baby that previously would not stop crying was completely silent when dad was crying. He didn’t make any sound at all. Silence. Yes, dad was making crying sounds, so if mom were in the room, that could still be annoying, but somehow we think it wouldn’t bother us as much as hearing our baby cry.

Watch the video below to see how well this creative dad’s trick worked to get his baby to stop crying pretty much instantaneously.


We have to wonder what happened when dad stopped making the crying sounds. Did his baby go back to crying, stay silent and confused, or do something else? What do you think happened?

If you have kids, what were you go-to tricks to get them to stop crying when they were babies? Did you ever try mimicking their crying sounds back to them?

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