Cruella de Vil…Cruella de Vil…if she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will…

If you were a fan of the movie 101 Dalmatians as a kid, you likely sung that line in tune with the song. Cruella de Vil was the ultimate Disney villain, always attempting to capture the spotted puppies to skin them for clothes, and letting out terrifying evil cackles in the process.

While there have been several movie renditions of 101 Dalmatians since the 1961 cartoon came about, the latest is “Cruella,” staring Emma Stone. The live-action prequel feature film follows a young Cruella de Vil and her dreams of becoming a fashion designer (ah, so that’s why she’s so obsessed with getting the right fur!).

In the new film, though she’s portrayed as a teenager, she has all the typical Cruella de Vil traits—there’s just one thing missing: Her signature cigarette holder.

Besides her classic red and black ensemble and fur overcoat, Cruella was always taking drags from her cigarette, which was always seen in a long white holder, in the original movie, leaving puffs of green smoke behind her. She almost isn’t Cruella without it!


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Emma tried to fight for having the cigarette holder in the film, but Disney wasn’t having it. In 2015 Disney officially cut any type of onscreen smoking in their films rated G, PG or PG-13, and this wasn’t going to be an exception.

“That is not allowed in 2021,” Stone explained. “We are not allowed to smoke onscreen in a Disney film.”

Initially, she was excited about really portraying Cruella as we all remember her, but policies are policies.

“It was difficult to not have that cigarette holder…I was so excited to have that green plume of smoke in there, but it was not possible,” Stone said.

Stone said she can understand why smoking shouldn’t be promoted in movies for younger kids—but are skinning puppies really acceptable either?

“I don’t want to promote smoking, but I’m also not trying to promote skinning puppies,” Stone joked.

Don’t worry, there are actually no puppy skinning in the film! And really, we get the decision not to have the cigarette holder in there. It’s still a great film and Stone portrays Cruella to a T, even without the smoke.

Visit your local theater to get tickets to the film today, and check out the official trailer below!

Are you a 101 Dalmatians fan? What do you think of not having the cigarette holder in the new Cruella movie? Do you think you’ll go see this film?

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