If you are a frequent reader of TipHero, then you are well aware of the fact that we are simply crazy about Command hooks! These adhesive god-sends are quite possibly the most versatile organizational tool that 5 bucks can buy.

And while we’ve already shared plenty of nifty tips for how to best utilize these sticky guys, we’ve come across a video that has shown us even more household conundrums that can be solved using these special hooks. Here are a few of our favorite projects from the clip…

  1. Pots and Pans Lid Holders

    If your pots and pans shelves are a complete disaster zone, then this is most definitely the tip for you!

    HouseholdHacker recommends investing in a box of medium-sized, clear (not required, but they do look prettier) Command hooks. Once you’ve got them ready to go, place two of the hooks for each lid that you will be hanging. This simple fix will create a protective “cradle”, of sorts, for your cumbersome cookware. How easy is that?

  2. Toiletry Hooks

    Let’s be honest, we can all use more counter space in our bathrooms. And because most of us can’t afford a full bathroom overhaul, we’ve got the next best thing.

    Attach Command hooks to your wall for a DIY toothbrush and toothpaste holder, hang your rings and other jewelry on a small one, or attach your cosmetics bag with a heavy-duty one. Personally, we like to hang our glasses on a hook that we installed near our sink—we haven’t misplaced them since!

  3. Food Storage Hangers

    Just because you’ve run out of precious cupboard space doesn’t mean you need to relegate your dry goods to your kitchen counter.

    Instead, grab a few Command hooks and install them on the inside doors of your cupboard. Once complete, clip ordinary binder clips to the top of your plastic food bags and let hang. Not only will the hooks give you more shelf space, the binder clip will also ensure that your snacks stay fresh!

  4. Trash Bag Reinforcement

    If you live with little ones, we bet you’ve had issues regarding your trash bags; it seems that some kids don’t necessarily get that trash cans are not basketball hoops! Luckily, this particular hack is meant to reinforce trash bags, thus allowing your kiddos to continue their NBA fantasies, without having to endure your wrath when the plastic bag topples off the rim and makes a mess!

    All you need to do is attach a small Command hook to the outward facing side of the trash can and secure the plastic handles over the skinny end of the hook. If you do that, your bag certainly won’t budge!

Who knew that you could do all of that with Command hooks?! To see the full tutorials, as well as plenty of bonus projects, be sure to watch the video below. We can’t wait to try some of these out for ourselves.

What do you think of these Command hook projects? Have you tried any of them before? How do you use Command hooks?

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