12 Insanely Clever Tricks for Making Better Sandwiches

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It can take as little as 10 seconds to take your sandwich from ordinary to extraordinary. Make exciting sandwiches in your everyday life with some of these fun and practical ideas!

1. Better Bacon for BLTs:

Try this method for making bacon that’s perfect for all your sandwich needs.

2. Make Sandwiches Fun for Kids:

Use cookie cutters to make sandwiches a whole lot more fun.

3. Forget About Soggy Sandwiches:

When adding condiments to sandwiches, add them between the layers of meat to prevent your bread from getting soggy.

4. Easier Wraps:

Warm tortillas wrap better than cold ones. So just microwave your tortilla for 10 seconds, or heat it for 10 seconds on each side in a hot pan, to create tortillas that will hold much better.

5. The Round Deli Meat Dilemma:

Still struggling to make sandwiches with round deli meat and square bread? Here’s the solution you’ve been seeking.

Or try this method:

6. Make a Happy Sauce:

Use a roasted red pepper blended with olive oil, garlic, almonds and paprika to make a yummy, healthy “happy sauce” to spread on your sandwiches.

7. Make Grilled Cheeses in Bulk:

Forget the pan. Preheat your oven with two baking sheets inside so they get nice and hot. Then, put your grilled cheese sandwiches in between the sheets to cook.

8. Make an Inside-Out Grilled Cheese:

This new way to amp up your grilled cheeses is sure to change your life forever.

9. Or, Make a Triple Decker Grilled Cheese:

Need we say more? Here’s how you do it.

10. Make a Spaghetti Sandwich

Use last night’s pasta leftovers and make a delicious sandwich that you never thought possible. Here’s how it’s done.

11. Toast Only the Outsides of Your Sandwiches

12. Use Waffles Instead of Bread

For those times when you want to add a playful touch to lunch.

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