There are a lot of differences between the U.K and the U.S. Besides things like accents and what side of the road you drive on, there are vast disparities within the cuisine. Specifically? The cheese.

One U.K Twitter user pointed this out in a hilarious tweet tat sparked a huge debate.

“It’s so funny how Americans don’t have proper cheese lmao. Like what is this. Are you ok,” the tweet stated with a picture of Kraft singles.

Okay that’s…fair. Kraft singles, literally deemed “American cheese,” is quite the popular kind of cheese in this country. But when you compare it to other more gourmet cheeses, it does seem rather sad.

However, most people who saw the tweet felt the need to defend their sad cheese and point out that the U.K. isn’t exactly perfect either.

For example, Kraft really isn’t the only kind of cheese we eat here.

And what’s up with the U.K fare? Doesn’t look too appetizing, does it?

Many argued Kraft is just for grilled cheeses or a burger, but we don’t just sit and eat it, obviously. There are other types of cheeses for that.

And some people just couldn’t help themselves with the jokes.

Of course, there were people from the U.K. who had to defend their country (and their food).

Some noted that they might have other cheese…but it’s also not great:

And here:

What are your thought son Kraft singles? Do you think it’s an accurate representation of American cheese?

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