The groundhog did not see his shadow this year, so legend has it that we can expect an early spring. For northern parts of the country that have been dealing with ice and snow, the idea of an early spring is exciting. Many people are looking forward to a break from the cold weather and from cold and flu season.

When the weather warms up and the flowers start to bloom, it’s exciting to think about going outside and getting some fresh air, but people who suffer from seasonal allergies may want to hold off on getting excited about spring.

According to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alan Reppert, “Grass pollen sufferers will face a long and severe season into summer.”

If you live on the eastern half of the United States, anywhere from Texas all the way up to Michigan, get ready for higher than usual pollen levels. Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, so quite a few people will find their eyes watering and their noses running this spring.

Reppert adds, “This will bring a severe tree pollen season to much of the East and the Gulf coastline.”

If you happen to live on the western half of the United States, pollen levels won’t be as high as for the rest of the country, but don’t push the tissues away just yet. Weed and tree pollen levels will still be higher than usual in the Rockies and northern Plains.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may want to make an appointment with a board-certified allergist who can help you develop a plan to manage your allergies this spring.

In general, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, it’s a good idea to avoid being outside between the hours of 5am and 10am as well as at dusk. Pollen levels are extra high at these times of the day.

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

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