No matter who you were cheering for in last night’s Super Bowl game, we can probably all agree that we were partly there for the commercials. Super Bowl commercials are known for being extra creative and entertaining. Some are purely fun and comedic, but others are deep and meaningful. Jeep went for meaningful.

It’s no secret that America is quite divided right now. Between the election and COVID-19 restrictions, there are a lot of things for people to disagree about right now. Jeep’s Super Bowl commercial staring Bruce Springsteen mentioned these divisions and called for unity.

The commercial didn’t feature any new Jeep models. In fact, we wouldn’t even know it was a Jeep ad if it weren’t for the logo at the end. Most of the commercial featured landscape from rural America.

The ad, which is called “The Middle,” stars Springsteen. “The Boss” explains via voiceover that there’s a church exactly in the middle of the lower 48-states, and that it is open 24/7. He says, “All are more than welcome to come meet here in the middle.” He adds, “It’s no secret the middle has been a hard place to get to lately, between red and blue, between servant and citizen, between our freedom and our fear.”

Springsteen goes on to state that “fear has never been the best of who we are” but that freedom “belongs to us all.” The ad urges us to meet in the middle.

Watch the video below to learn more about this Jeep Super Bowl ad and how it relates to previous Jeep Super Bowl ads.

Did you watch the Super Bowl last night? What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? What do you think of this Jeep commercial? Do you think it will help Americans meet in the middle?

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