We are often given advice from our medical providers, health publications, and the media on the keys to a long life. However, a look at some of the world’s longest-living people have revealed some special things about their personalities and habits that to them, have played a huge role.

Beloved comedian Betty White credits her love of hot dogs and vodka for helping to keep her spunky and around in her 90s. She celebrates her 99th birthday on January 17. Can you believe it?

In an interview with Parade, the actress also talks about the importance of living with a positive attitude:

“Accentuate the positive, not the negative. It sounds so trite, but a lot of people will pick out something to complain about, rather than say, ‘Hey, that was great!’ It’s not hard to find great stuff if you look.”

It is part of what has kept her going in the entertainment industry and in life. That optimism is also giving her hope about her celebrity crush: Robert Redford. The funny lady refuses to give up on that one.

Richard Overton, formerly America’s oldest living man, passed away in December but touted whiskey and ice cream for being his fountain of youth. We think these two may be on to something. What about you?

Check out some of Betty White’s funniest moments by watching the clip below. To keep up with the Golden Girl’s shenanigans, head over to her Instagram page where she lets the jokes and cuteness roll. Go Betty!


Do you love Betty White? Are you digging her philosophy on longevity and are you into similar practices? What are your secrets?

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