At one point or another we all fall victim to fatigue and general lethargy. Though late night Netflix binges or 2 a.m. feedings – for all of you heroic parents out there! – may sometimes be to blame, there are a myriad of reasons as to why you may be just plain tired all the time.

If you feel that you have been getting enough sleep but coffee’s not doing the trick, then you may be suffering from a potentially serious medical condition. So, if the symptoms from the list of ailments below resonate with you, don’t just “WebMD” the cause and forget about it; be sure to seek medical advice, and reclaim your energy!

  1. Malnutrition

    Did you know that not getting the right vitamins and minerals can actually affect your energy levels? Next time you consider a trendy crash diet, think first about how much harder your system will have to work when you skip out on consuming essential nutrients.

  2. Sleep Apnea

    If both you and your partner wake up exhausted, you may be suffering from this common condition. Sleep apnea is characterized by snoring and, in severe cases, the subject’s airway becomes obstructed, making breathing impossible. For your and your loved one’s sakes, get checked out by a trusted sleep specialist. There is plenty of help out there for this disorder!

  3. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Sufferers of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, are well aware of the painful symptoms that come along with this diagnosis. Nevertheless, recognizing extreme lethargy may be the first step in receiving necessary treatment for this debilitating condition.

  4. Depression

    Feeling blue from time to time is part of being human, but no person should have to endure constant thoughts of hopelessness and despair. If you’re constantly worn-out, but your doctor is having trouble pinning down a verdict, you should consider getting acquainted with a mental health specialist. Getting things off your chest may just lead to a better night’s rest!

  5. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

    Anyone who has complained of long-lasting fatigue to their doctor knows that, oftentimes, the first thing that they will do is order blood tests. These results sometimes reveal either an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism). Treatment plans can range from lifestyle adjustments to intensive hormone therapy.

  6. Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity

    Though some fad diets are asking followers to cut gluten intake to shed pounds, it’s easy to forget that many are simply unable to process wheat whatsoever. If you have stomach problems and fatigue, you may have this genetic disease. Oftentimes, if a doctor suspects celiac is the culprit, you may be asked to complete an endoscopy and follow a wheat-free diet.

  7. Anemia

    Victims of this condition often complain about a very specific type of fatigue—weakness and shortness of breath. Anemia can be easily seen from a simple blood test. If the results show that the red blood cell count is too low, then you will most likely be asked to up your daily iron and calcium intakes.

To learn about more details as to why you may be feeling fatigued, be sure to check out Prevention’s article here. And not to beat a dead horse, but we think it’s important to listen to that intuition of yours and pay a visit to your doc if you feel that any of these conditions apply to you. When in doubt, check it out!

And what if it’s NOT any of these issues? It could still be a (not-so)-healthy habit you need to improve. Check out this video from Wochit Media for 8 more reasons you could be tired all the time.

Are you being treated for any of these medical conditions? If so, have you seen any improvement in your energy levels? What are some lifestyle changes that can be made to prevent these conditions from occurring in the first place?

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