Most models, especially swimsuit models, are young. We’re talking 20s and 30s. As we’ve gotten older, we’ve come to realize that we spend most of our lives in the category we used to consider “old.” Think about it. If we live a decently long life, we could easily spend 40 or 50 years being past our prime if 20s and 30s are considered youth.

Kathy Jacobs believes that you don’t have to be in your 20s and 30s to be considered beautiful. She also believes that there is no wrong way to age.

You can get Botox, fillers , plastic surgery , lasers , color your hair etc.and that’s fine!You can do nothing and that’s fine!You can be somewhere in the middle and that’s fine too!There’s no handbook describing what’s right or wrong.We decide ourselves not society! It’s our life!!”I have in the past judged others and now make a conscious effort not to! You can’t too!!Cause you know what.,, it ant my business!!”

Jacobs’ added the caption above to a very exciting post she shared on Instagram. The post shows a video announcing that she is part of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2021.


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A post shared by Kathy Jacobs (@ageisbeauty)

Jacobs is 57-years-old. She is an actress. She is a model. She was chosen by SI Swimsuit as part of a casting call. On Instagram, SI Swimsuit explained why they chose Jacobs to be part of the publication.

“Kathy possesses the power of persistence, hard work and what it means to follow your dreams. She is one of our Swim Search winners and from the very beginning has not only championed the fight against ageism, but has prioritized the women of the Swim Search community that are pursuing their own dreams and goals. There has never been a more prolific team player than Kathy! She is constantly making time for others while forging her own career. She is a living proof that we need to stop putting limits on ourselves and celebrate the non-traditional ways we can reach our goals and push ourselves. She wholeheartedly stands for what SI Swimsuit represents and we are thrilled she feels empowered to share her message with us.”

What does beauty means to Jacobs?

“There’s no wrong way to age, there’s no right way to age. There’s no handbook. And I think that if you want to put other women down, then you’re the problem too. We need to judge each other less because I think everybody has their own definition of beauty.”

What does beauty mean to you? Does it surprise you that SI Swimsuit would choose a 57-year-old woman to be part of their publication? What age do you consider “old”? Do you let age limit you? Does Jacobs’ message about beauty change your perception?

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