When we were single, we didn’t really understand what marriage was all about. Our married friends could warn us all they wanted that marriage was hard and took work, but we were young and in love. The future was ours. Nothing could stop us. Our love would get us through.

You know those wedding vows we have to say when we get married? The words are not random. When you say “for better or worse” take it seriously. Seriously. There will be worse. There may or may not be better. 

The difference between dating and marriage is that when you’re dating, you’re having fun and dealing with the fun things together. You’re not really dealing with the difficulties of live, and you’re not too comfortable with each other yet. You still might be keeping up the illusion that you’re perfect.

When you’re married, those little quirks that were cute when you’re dating become downright annoying when you have to deal with them every day. Yet, love can get you through.

If you’ve been married awhile, we think you’ll get a laugh out of these 21 memes that are all too relatable for anyone who is married.

  1. The Honeymoon Phase

    Isn’t this the truth! When we’re first married, we can’t take our eyes off each other, but after a few years, things change.

  2. Who’s the Crazy One?

  3. Mistakes

    So true! Whether we like it or not, those mistakes are filed in our brains for good!

  4. Your Wife Will Remember

    She might even be able to quote you word for word. Beware of texts for this same reason.

  5. “I Won’t Tell Anyone”

    Definitely don’t tell your friends something if you won’t want their spouse to find out!

  6. Date Night

    Sometimes just being in the same room at the same time is as good as it gets, especially when kids are in the mix.

  7. Filing System


  8. Gasp!


  9. Texts

    Sometimes we can get a little too comfortable with each other when we’re married.

  10. Flirting

    So true!

  11. “Pick Up Some Oil”

    The options are a little overwhelming, and we really don’t know the difference.

  12. “Stop Mothering Me”

    Husbands really do want to be mothered a little bit, don’t they?

  13. What’s Wrong?

    Maybe if men would listen better they’d know what they did wrong.

  14. I Wasn’t Listening

    At least some men are honest about not listening.

  15. “Fine, Whatever…”

    Good luck!

  16. Wrath of Wife

    She can flirt back by telling him he did a good job mowing the lawn!

  17. Annoying

    Do you find your spouse annoying?

  18. Why Are We Fighting?

    This is the point when the yelling needs to stop, but we don’t always admit that we don’t remember why we’re yelling.

  19. What Everyone Thinks

    This isn’t entirely true, but it’s not entirely untrue either.

  20. Laundry

    We can definitely relate to this.

  21. Disagreements

    We suppose a disagreement could become dangerous, but we hope this is just a funny exaggeration.

Can you relate to these memes? Which one of them was your favorite?

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