When it comes to big DIY projects, there’s no material that’s better to have on hand than some recycled wood pallets! Whether you’re making a backsplash or some Christmas decorations, or giving your home a rustic look, they’re some of the most versatile and useful items we can repurpose for frugal creation. One thing we never would have thought to make with them, though? Beds! It turns out, however, that not only is it possible, there are all KINDS of options. Whatever bed you dream of, you can probably make it with pallets. Here are eleven of our favorite designs to get your inspiration wheels spinning.

  1. Sunburst Headboard

    Pallets come in all kinds of colors – and they’re easy to paint – so they’re the perfect material to make multihued, rustic, and creative headboards. Our favorite? This one that looks like a sunburst encouraging you to start your day!

  2. Wheeled Bed

    Need a bed you can reposition at a moment’s notice? Make a bed on wheels that isn’t too heavy to push with some repurposed pallets!

  3. Trundle

    Need some extra sleeping space but don’t have the cash for an extra one? Use pallets to make a guest bed complete with trundle, and you’ll be sleepover-ready.

  4. Full Of Storage

    When you don’t have a big bedroom, you need to make use of every spare inch to store everything you need, and under the bed is one of the best spots. Make yours super-efficient and as large as you need with pallets, and create little storage cubbies for baskets and crates.

  5. Floating

    Their lightweight structure makes pallets the perfect material for a bed you want to hang from the ceiling for a magical floating effect. Perfect for an open floorplan or loft-style apartment!

  6. Raised Platform

    You don’t have to hang your bed from the ceiling or have a loft to get that levitating effect! This futuristic style relies on smart planning and an optical illusion for a one-of-a-kind bed with more space underneath it than ever before.

  7. Shoe Storage

    Not only does this pallet bed function as a sofa during the day time, it features some of the best built-in storage we’ve ever seen! Use it for shoes, books, or just about anything.

  8. Illuminated

    Since you’re getting creative with pallets anyway, why not really make it magical and add some LED lighting under the bed! Use warm, white LED strips for romance and relaxation, or go really crazy and add some splashes of color.

  9. Raised LED-Lit Kid’s Bed

    If you like that LED lighting idea, you know the kids will LOVE it! It works wonderfully here with this raised bed with an oversized headboard and plenty of under-bed storage.

  10. Kid’s Playhouse

    Another great idea for the kids? A raised bed with a built-in playhouse underneath! It’s perfect for smaller homes without a yard or a ton of room for play.

  11. Convertible Crib-To-Toddler-Bed

    Pallets are a great option for kids’ beds because they’re an affordable way to make something your child will eventually outgrow and – let’s be honest – probably beat-up a little. Prime example? This convertible crib-to-toddler-bed.

I don’t think I would have ever looked at pallets before now and thought, “I should sleep on that!” but now? It’s all I’m going to be able to see! For even more inspiration, check out this list from Creative Spotting for even more pallet beds. Have you ever done a project like these ones? Do you usually use pallets in your DIY projects? Have you ever constructed your own bed before?

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