There are so many wonderful ways that your freezer can help you save money, and if you’ve got a handy stash of ice cube trays, you’re in even better shape. There are all sorts of things that you may not have realized you could freeze. But if you freeze certain things in single portions, you’ll save money and time later (and be able to create some great foods and drinks on the fly)!

  1. Lemon Juice: got extra juice leftover from your lemons? Just freeze the juice in an ice cube tray, then pop cubes into ice teas to make delightful Arnold Palmers.
  2. Tomato Paste: there always seems to be leftover tomato paste in the can once you use it in a recipe. If yours is approaching its expiration date, then put small portions into ice cube trays for use in soups, stews and other recipes.
  3. Champagne: opened a bottle of champagne that you can’t finish before it goes flat? Freeze it and put cubes into orange juice for impromptu mimosas or use in salad dressings instead of vinegar.
  4. Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries: here’s a great tip from Max at Wise Bread:

    Another ice cube tray tip from my brother-in-law is to use them to make chocolate dipped strawberries. Instead of dipping each strawberry in chocolate, he puts strawberries into heart shaped ice cube trays and pours chocolate over the top! The strawberries come out of the mold looking like fancy chocolate truffles. He doesn’t have to mess around with waxed paper, chocolate drips, and how to fit a cookie sheet into the freezer. It’s genius.

  5. Emergency Cookie Dough: do you ever just want to have a few freshly-baked cookies without making a whole truckload? Just freeze individual cookie dough portions in an ice cube tray. Then when the craving strikes, choose a few and bake them or bake the whole batch.
  6. Garbage Disposal Cleaner: when you finish juicing a lemon, chop up the peels and . Then stick one in the garbage disposal each day to keep it smelling fresh.
  7. Paint: if you have kids, you have to try this fun activity.
  8. Eggs: we’ve mentioned this one before, but it’s worth bringing up again. You can just mix together yolks and whites and pour them into trays (2 cubes would equal one egg, roughly), or you could separate egg whites and yolks easily and freeze.
  9. Baby Food: make baby-sized portions of homemade baby food for easy grabbing later.
  10. Cat Food: also from Max:

    My cat Pinky has to eat medicated cat food for his kidneys. He thinks this food is revolting. To make the medicated food more palatable, I mix the medicated food with a super fatty Post Surgery cat food that he loves. Both types of specialty cat food cost roughly $4,675,293 per can. To keep the custom blend fresh…yes, I have cat food popsicles in my freezer. To use, I just sporp out a lump of cat food into his dish for each meal.

Check out more great ideas over at Wise Bread.

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