Your microwave is a pretty amazing thing, and it can do a lot more than reheat your leftovers. Take a look at some of the coolest and most helpful ways we think you can put your microwave to good use.

1. Make Your Own Potato Chips: the next time you’re in the mood for chips, just cut up some potato slices, drizzle them with some olive oil and salt, and toss them in your microwave.

2. Make Microwave Popcorn…Without Microwave Popcorn: all you need is some kernels, a brown paper bag and some seasoning of your choice to do this.

3. Make a Cappuccino: if you’re craving a cappuccino, you can make your own (completely with froth) by just heating your milk in the microwave.

4. Poach an Egg: easily poach an egg for breakfast with the help of your microwave.

5. Get More Juice: squeeze more juice out of lemons and limes by first microwaving them for about 2o0 seconds before squeezing.

6. Sterilize Your Sponge: soak your sponge in water, then put it on its own in the microwave for about 2 minutes. This will kill the bacteria in your sponge and prevent/get rid of any unpleasant odors. Just make sure to use caution when removing the hot sponge from the microwave.

7. Get More Life Out of Your Mascara: if your mascara has dried up or has turned gunky, just heat the tube for about 30 seconds. Then mix it up with the wand. Repeat if necessary.

8. Make Yummy Things in Mugs: use your microwave to make single servings of yummy things, like cake, french toast and pizza, in mugs.

9. Soften Brown Sugar: place a your hardened brown sugar in a bowl in the microwave. Beside it, place a cup of water. Microwave for a couple of minutes and the steam from the water should soften that brown sugar right up.

10. Easily Shuck Corn: shucking corn is a breeze with ridiculously simple tip.

Have any other cool tricks? Shout them out in the comments section below!

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