Halloween 2020 has lots of potential for costumes: Should you dress up as Joe Exotic, aka the Tiger King? Go as a murder hornet? How about wearing a mask and just going as COVID-19 itself?

Sure, there are lots of unique options here, all relative to this weird, weird year—but one dad made an insanely creative 2020-appropriate costume that we’re pretty sure no one else is going to think of.

Just for some background, father of two Greg Dietzenbach is known for making creative Halloween costumes in the past for his kids. As the Creative Director of a marketing agency, he’s, known for being, well, a pretty creative person, to say the least. He put his skills to work to create a truly amazing costume for his 12-year-old daughter Ada that quickly went viral.

“My kids challenge me every year to make a unique costume,” Greg explained. “Building a ‘Transformers’ sock robot for my son almost broke my brain…another year [my daughter] went as our neighbors’ doors. So this year I wanted to make it a lot simpler.”

Okay, the costume he created this year surely wasn’t “simple” in our minds—but amazingly creative, indeed.

This year, Ada is dressing up as a Zoom meeting. That’s right, the digital interface making face-to-face communication possible in the age of quarantine.

Only it doesn’t end there: Not only is she going to be a mere Zoom meeting, but the costume has her depicted IN an actual live Zoom meeting, chatting with all of the spookiest Halloween members. We’ve got the Invisible Man, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Wolf Man, Frankenstein, Dracula, Mummy and Blair Witch. (This is probably what your work Zoom meetings look like, right?)

The last Zoom participant is Ada, whose head peeks through the middle square. Additionally, there’s also a spot for the “next victim,” a spot that remains open on the Zoom call. We couldn’t think of a single thing to make this a more creative and amazing costume.

“Halloween was one of my favorite holidays when I was a kid and I’m happy to share my love of Halloween with my kids,” Greg said. “2020 has been tough, it’s nice to know we’ll be giving some joy to others (at a safe distance of course).”

How amazing is this costume? How will you be celebrating Halloween this year? Be sure to check out the CDC’s guidelines on trick-or-treating and other activities this year to make sure you’re stay safe and healthy, while also having fun!

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