The Makeover Guy was thrilled to see Pat and her sister stroll into his salon, all the way from Manitoba, Canada. These siblings were not only incredibly kind, easy-going people, but they are, in Christopher’s words, “movie star gorgeous”, with incredible bone structure and healthy hair. Needless to say, this was one of his all-time favorite makeovers, and we can see why.

Pat was really the main focus of the makeover below. The lovely lady was about to celebrate her 65th birthday and her husband gifted her this makeover, per her request. His response to this was so cute.

“My husband said to me, ‘Darling, you’re already beautiful, you don’t need to do this,'” Pat shared with The Makeover Guy camera crew. “And I said to him, ‘Yes, I do!'”


Obviously, her husband was right; she is beautiful, inside and out, and definitely doesn’t need any kind of makeover. However, this was what she wanted as she entered a new stage of her life! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Pat was embarrassed to confess how long she had been rocking her current haircut when asked. All she would say was that she needed a change, and she was willing to let Christopher do whatever he wanted to her hair!

However, as willing as she was, Pat did have one request: she wanted to keep her gray hair.

While gray hair definitely works for many people (in our opinion, Pat is one of them!) and the “taboo” of keeping gray hair is soundly dead. There’s no shame in having silver strands and we love that Pat wanted to keep her natural color.

But Christopher was not so thrilled with the idea. He didn’t want to completely disregard his client’s request, but he really wanted to see Pat give a little twist to her normal gray ‘do. After a little bit of light coercing, he managed to convince her to color – but in a way that was the perfect solution.

The color compromise? Platinum!

Platinum is a very light blonde, so light that it just toes the line of silver or gray. It’s still a fresh, new color but Christopher felt that it was still in the family of gray that he wasn’t betraying what Pat wanted.

In the end, he was totally right! The color was beautiful with her skin tone and gave her a young, vibrant glow without completely changing her already gorgeous look.

And the hair cut itself? It looks absolutely incredible on her and she somehow looks even more beautiful than she did before. You have to watch the video below to see her full look! Then make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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