If you have ever supported someone through oral surgery, particularly a young person who has just had their wisdom teeth removed, then you know how painful–and hilarious!–the experience can be. No, no, we don’t get some sort of sick pleasure from watching our friends wake up from such a distressing procedure, but we absolutely DO get pleasure from the way they act before the anesthesia wears off!

As it turns out, we aren’t the only ones who feel this way. Anyone who has ever found themselves in a YouTube rabbit hole (we’ve all been there, right?) knows that there’s a massive amount of clips illustrating this hilarious phenomenon.

Take the star of today’s clip, for instance. Her name is Emily Aldridge, and the 16-year-old Missouri resident has a mother who just HAD to record her daughter’s post-surgery behavior and post it on the Internet. Now, if we were the teen, we would probably be pretty embarrassed to have our swollen mug displayed for all the world to see, BUT we’d probably be fine with it if it got Ellen DeGeneres’ attention!

Now, why was the talk show host so interested in this particular post-wisdom teeth removal video when there are literally thousands of others on YouTube? Because she, herself, was the topic of Emily’s anesthesia-filled rantings. Random, but true!

Apparently, sweet Emily was absolutely convinced that the DeGeneres was a close friend of hers, and she was quite upset that the celebrity wasn’t there to support her through her oral surgery. Not surprisingly, the host isn’t a friend of Emily’s and had no knowledge of the high schooler’s routine procedure–until she heard from Bruno Mars that is…

You see, the ultra-famous crooner reportedly sent Emily’s video to Ellen, thinking that the host would get a kick out of it. According to DeGeneres, the video only had a modest 8,000 views at the time. She, herself, decided that the clip should go viral, so she contacted her producers and asked them to find the teen. Luckily, they were able to quickly locate her and, when they did, both she and her mother were invited on the popular daytime talk show.

How amazing is that?!

Once on the show, the host interviewed Emily and her mother, Jennifer. It was then that she was able to gain some insight as to why the teen, in her anesthetic haze, was so upset with her. It’s a slightly awkward interview, but it’s also a hilarious one, too! Spoiler alert: Emily is NOT mad at Ellen anymore!

To watch Ellen DeGeneres grill this teen about her post-surgery rant, and to catch a glimpse of the original clip for yourself, be sure to watch The Ellen Show’s video below!

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this hilarious TV appearance! Are you a fan of the original video? Have you ever taken care of someone after they had oral surgery? If so, were they acting silly, too?

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