Any gals out there who have gone for that old Hollywood-inspired makeup look knows that achieving perfect winged eyeliner is nearly impossible on the first try! Personally speaking, it took me years to find the right method that finally worked for me, and, quite honestly, sometimes I still have trouble with that one!

That’s why we’ve gone to our favorite YouTube beauty guru, Stephanie Lange, to get some much-needed advice on how to best attain this classic eyeliner. Here are some of her most useful tips.

  1. Reach for that tape

    Stephanie says that this trick is her absolute favorite way to get this super sexy effect. All you need to do is apply tape – she uses the surgical kind because it doesn’t pull the skin – to your under-eye area.

    Be sure to place it at a diagonal so that the tape jets out past the outer edge of your brow. Once in place, apply eye liner normally, but instead of stopping at your corner, go beyond the crease and continue right onto the surface of the tape.

    It may look funny at first, but when you carefully remove the sticky stuff, you will be met with a perfect cat-eye.

  2. Upgrade to a flat liner pen

    Sometimes creating a winged liner look has more to do with tools than technique. For instance, some liquid liners can be a bit too watery for the job, while crayon and retractable liners can be too dull. Flat liner felt tip pens are great because they are specifically made with this particular style in mind.

    Our host recommends pressing the inky, flat part of the pen directly onto the lids—you won’t need any extra tools for this tip. Once you get past the crease, create a short, angled line with a delicate flick of the wrist.

    You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to achieve this look when using this type of liner!

  3. Perfect the wing with concealer

    Have you ever made an almost-perfect wing, but did not have the time to start from scratch? It’s a completely frustrating scenario, but one that you don’t have to face if you don’t want to. In this case, it’s best to work with what you already have and cover up the areas that look a bit messy.

    To do this, dip a clean angled eyeliner brush in some heavy duty concealer and gently buff out the mistakes. This is also a great technique for accomplishing sharper edges on thick lines.

    Protip: Be sure to clean your angled brush as you go so as not to spread any of the excess liner.

See, going for that stylish, winged eyeliner look is actually more “doable” than you may have thought! To learn about SEVEN even more foolproof ways to achieving perfect application, be sure to click on Stephanie Lange’s video below!

What do you think of Stephanie’s tips? How do you apply your winged liner? What has been your biggest eyeliner fail? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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