Have you ever wondered what a sheep would look like if nobody ever sheared it? Turns out, the answer is: absolutely insane. Meet Chris the sheep, who, as Distractify tells us, escaped from his farm five years ago and has been wandering in the Australian bush ever since. Since there are no sheep shearers in the wild, Chris’ look became a little intense . . .


Can you believe all of that fleece? It’s hard to tell that he even is a sheep under all that, which ultimately is what led to his capture in the first place when residents of Canberra began calling in reports of a mysterious creature. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (RSPCA) sent out officers who a) discovered that the creature was a sheep and b) named it Chris. Then it came time to relieve the poor guy of all of that weight!

Shearing Chris took five professional shearers, 40 minutes, and a follow-up trim. At the end of it all, there were 89 pounds of wool, a new world record— and a new look for Chris.

He looks like a sheep again! Don’t worry about those pink spots; they’re just a treatment for some cuts he got in the wild. Now he just awaits adoption and, hopefully, a regular shearing schedule.

I’ve never given much thought to what a sheep would look like without shearing, but now I’m utterly fascinated! What about you? Do you have any experience with farm animals? Where I grew up, there were cows that occasionally escaped a local farm, but never anything like this! What do you think of Chris’ crazy story?

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