Cat lovin’ folks: this is for you. So much can be said for your sweet kitty who loves to take loud indoor jogs at dawn, fights for her right to taste your food, and enjoys smacking other creatures – including you.

Don’t you just love it? Out of all the unique, weird, and cliché cat behaviors your furry friend engages in, one of your favorites has to be the rubbing. Right? Cats love to “hug” your legs with their whole bodies, prompting you to hug them back and go “aww”.

Since you’re so adept at understanding the language of felines, you are positive this means your cat is gaga for you. You can see the cartoonish hearts dancing in her eyes and around her head. And you give the love right back. We get it. But affection isn’t the only reason for the leg cuddle.

Your cat is marking you! Yes, you. It’s Mr. Fluffy McFluffenstuff’s funny way of saying “I hereby declare you to be my one and only piece of property from now until eternity.” And then they do it again just for good measure. Uh huh. It’s the special mark of your beast.

Cats have scent glands located all over their heads and other parts of their bodies which secrete pheromones. They want you to carry their signature scent. Called bunting, a kitty will rub up against you not only to stake their claim, but also to say they feel safe and secure with you.

In order to keep up those vibes, you should smell like them, and then a little bit of you rubs off on them too. As you well know, these special animals have a bevy of other habits that can sometimes make you wonder what planet they dropped in from.

Does yours like to bring home carcasses? Dragged in as either a fresh kill or the tattered remains of whatever it once was, somehow it ends up in your cat’s jaws. Vets say it’s not a gift, but rather an exercise in honing their killer instincts. It’s just prey-hunting at work.

There’s also the glare-stare thing they do that makes you feel like they’re looking deep into your soul. Is it intimidation? Is it true love? Is it zoning out? Honestly, it could be any of those things depending on what’s going on in your environment. Are there other cats who need to be dominated? Are you dishing out enough attention? Is Kitty angry about something? Your guess.

Take a look at this video from New York Magazine to learn more about your adorably purr-fect pet’s communication tactics. Chances are if you’ve have your cat for a while, then you’ve probably figured out most of its cues. If you’re a smidge baffled by your fur baby’s antics and want some insight, then you definitely want to press “play” down below. Enjoy your nuzzled ankles!

Did you know about cats’ signature pheromones?  What’s your cat’s weirdest behavior? Knowing this info, do you want a cat now or would you prefer a different pet?

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