Here in America where tipping is common, you’ll hear the pros and cons of tip etiquette and debates on the subject can rile people up. Although the restaurant industry is typically the center of arguments, other industries have standards too.

In addition to tipping for meals, some of us also drop extra coins for hairstylists, barbers, drivers, or the bellhop. It becomes second nature when we receive great service or if someone goes the extra mile to help us out. Others will simply get a sweet gift around the holidays.

No laws are on the books about tipping, but the practice can give some people anxiety about who to tip and how much. We forget or we simply don’t know. Since so much of tipping etiquette is unspoken and unwritten for service-based industries, there are a few guidelines you can find online to help you determine if and what to leave.

We’ve collected some of this information to highlight people who may be forgotten in the tip department despite the work they do. These are just gentle reminders and it’s up to you whether you’re on board to leave a buck or two for the workers mentioned here.

  1. Furniture Delivery Guys/Movers

    We know you already paid a flat delivery fee. But did your delivery guys show up on time and friendly? It’s nice to give them a few bucks for lugging your heavy items into the house, especially if you have narrow halls, staircases, or steep inclines.

    It’s especially awesome if nothing is bumped, broken, or scratched up in the process. If you’re moved to do so, the suggested amount is $5 to $10 per person. Movers can get a bit more.

  2. Hotel Housekeeping Staff

    When we stayed at a boutique hotel in the French Quarter, a tip envelope was left on the dining table that was marked “Housekeeping”. I’d never seen one before but was happy to leave money at the end of our stay for the nice lady who took care of our room. For us, it was the same person each day.

    When traveling, Emily Post suggests leaving $2 to $5 for housekeeping per day. If it’s only one night, you can forgo it.

  3. Tour Guides

    Taking in the sights in a new city? If you go on tour with a guide who is organized, friendly, and super knowledgeable, why not give them a couple of dollars? Tip amounts range from $2 up to $10.

  4. Spa Employees

    In addition to tipping the masseuse, drop an extra dollar or two for the person who tweezed, waxed, or manicured your face and body. While you may choose to tip on the entire service, remember that tips don’t always trickle down to the person who took care of the smaller details.

  5. Car Wash Workers

    We know your car rolls through a washing conveyor belt, but once it comes out, there’s probably a group of people who wipe it, vacuum it, and shine it up. Tipping here can get confusing, but when the keys are returned to you, hand over some singles in the $2 to $10 range, depending on the effort. Those dollars are usually shared.

Have you ever worked in one of these roles and appreciated tips? What’s your position on tipping etiquette? Is there another set of workers you would add to this list?



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