Beyond their bright hue, what do carrots and oranges really have in common? Well, how about their vitamin-packing punch, skin-brightening powers, overall health benefits, and now, their inclusion in this smoothie recipe from Cooking With Alia? Looks like orange is the color of health and taste this summer!

You’ll Need:

– 2 to 3 carrots
– 1 cup peach yogurt
– Sugar (to taste)
– Fresh orange juice from 1 to 2 oranges (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup)
– Water

How To:

  1. Peel and chop the carrots.
  2. Boil the carrots in water for about 20 minutes, until soft.
  3. Remove the carrots and place in a bowl. Refrigerate until completely cool. Reserve the carrot water and refrigerate separately until completely cool.
  4. Once the carrots and carrot water are cool, use a blender to mix the cooked carrots, fresh orange juice, sugar, peach yogurt and a bit of cold carrot water. Blend until smooth.
  5. Add more carrot water as needed to get your desired consistency.

Enjoy cold. What do you think of this bright orange drink? Would you ever have thought to combine oranges and carrots before? Do you have any other recipes you love that include either or both?

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