Now that we know some of the best things to buy in October it’s time to take a look at some of the worst. With Black Friday right around the corner, you’ll want to hold off on those things that will be deeply discount very shortly. Here are 6 things that you should avoid buying now:

Cold Weather Apparel

You’re not likely to find serious discounts on cold weather clothing until January, after chilly weather has been around for a while. If you can’t wait that long, you’ll want to at least wait until November when you’re more likely to find deals.

The Latest in Personal Electronics

A lot of new models of electronic devices come out in early fall, and that’s exactly why it’s not a good time to score a deal on the latest and greatest. If you’re looking to get a discount on newer models, you should wait until the weeks leading up to Christmas, starting with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you’re looking for a deal now, check out the older models that most likely dropped in price when newer models were released.


Wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday to see killer deals on TVs. Don’t be tempted by October sales that won’t even come close to the deals waiting just around the corner in November.

Winter Boots

Many people who head into shoe stores in October are going to be looking into buying boots, so prices will be at their highest. If you can wait, you can expect better deals on boots on around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Then you’ll find super low prices if you wait until January/February, when you’ll see items that didn’t sell during the holiday season in the clearance section.


Tools, like drills or hammers, rarely go on sale. However, these kinds of tools are often discounted around the holiday season. So buying in October could be jumping the gun. Wait until prices start dropping to look into buying new tools.

Lingerie, Jewelry and Perfume

Most retailers will be waiting until the holidays to discount popular gift items like these. Expect better deals on lingerie, jewelry and perfume in November and December. According to Sharon Banfield, spokeswoman for

“If you wait another four weeks, you can take advantage of holiday sales,” she says. That’s when you can expect discounts of 25% to 30% on lingerie and jewelry. With perfume, look for discounts in the form of extra products or larger sizes for the same price, she says.

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