If you live under the same roof as a cat, we bet that you’re well acquainted with some of their more unusual traits. And though most felines are known for their intimidating mood swings, cat lovers everywhere know that, when they finally decide to cuddle up and show some love, it makes all of those scratches and hisses well worth the trouble!

Nonetheless, we know how trying it can be to break that confusing “feline code.” How many times have you stared at your cat and thought: What the heck is he trying to tell me anyways? That’s why we’re sharing a video with you today that illustrates some of the more curious ways that your cat shows their love.

Here are some of the most head-scratching ways he may express his adoration for you.

  1. He rolls around the floor on his back

    It may look like he is just trying to scratch an itch, but, like their doggie brethren, cats roll on the floor for multiple reasons, like being in heat or suffering from flea bites. But if yours is perfectly healthy, he may just be inviting you to play.

    So, the next time you see your favorite feline exposing his belly to you, don’t walk past without giving it a little scratch—that will show the cat that you love him back!

  2. He bumps his head against you

    This may be the most charming behavior of them all! The next time you are working at your computer or relaxing on your couch and your cat comes over and head butts you, don’t get mad—he is simply trying to show you that he accepts you!

    Petful says, “This feline behavior is, at heart, your kitty’s way of bonding.” Cats do this with one another, and have even been seen bunting other animals, like dogs and bunnies. Too cute!

  3. He brings you “gifts”

    When I was a kid, I had an outdoor cat that would bring home a “gift” in the form of a small, dead animal almost every day. Though it was disturbing – and gross! – I could always tell that she was proud of her present.

    But interestingly enough, she wasn’t bringing me an animal to show her fondness of me, necessarily. It turns out that my tabby was just trying to teach me the ways of hunting!

    You see, when cats are still kittens, their mothers first ease them into catching prey by gifting them with the dead animals. Eventually, somewhere down the road, the kitten grows up and learns to hunt on his own, and the practice sticks!

    So, if you wake up to a dead lizard on your porch every morning, your cat’s just trying to teach you how to look after yourself! Weird, but sweet!

To see some more of these cute feline behaviors in action for yourself, go ahead and click on the video below! Be sure to take some notes. Next time you think that your cat is acting strange, he may just be saying that he love you!

Does your cat ever exhibit any of the behaviors shown on this list? Do you know of any others? What is the funniest thing you’ve caught your kitty doing? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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