Do you use turmeric in your cooking? If so, you’re getting some excellent health benefits by doing so. Turmeric, a spice (and antioxidant) known for it’s natural anti-inflammatory effects, is mild in taste and is prevalent in Indian cooking. But if you’re not cooking Indian food every day, there’s still a great way to sneak this helpful little spice into your daily routine. Just make this yummy and healthful drink recommended by Mind Body Green.

Here’s what you’ll need:

-1 cup of warm (not hot) water or milk of choice
-1/4 teaspoon turmeric
-Juice of half a lemon (only if you’re using water)
-Dash of cinnamon
-1/8 teaspoon honey or agave (optional)

And here’s what you do:

Warm up your water or milk, then add turmeric, cinnamon, lemon juice (if using water) and honey and stir well. The turmeric will keep settling to the bottom, so be sure to stir as you sip the drink to get all of the good stuff. Consume the whole drink while it’s still warm.

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