No one is supposed to upstage the bride on her big day, so when it’s time choose bridesmaids’ dresses, she decides on the style. And not everything she picks is wearable after the event.

You may have a bridesmaid’s dress that’s been stowed away for a couple decades that you haven’t gotten rid of because you paid good money for it. Even if you never liked it. Like any good friend or relative, you went along with the look.

These bridesmaid dresses belong in the vintage hall of fame for their time-capsule quality and O-M-G-worthy style. We would say that the designs of these dresses are unmatched, but we’re sure some of the dresses you find on the market today will make a funny listicle about twenty years from now.

Enjoy scrolling through all the taffeta, floral, and ruffled loveliness in the photos below. See if you can guess which eras they hail from, and while you’re at it, go fish your old ones out of the closet.

  1. Pretty in Pink

    If you’re having a hard time noticing the dresses, it’s probably because your eyes are fixated on the headgear. That bow though.

  2. Daisy Explosion

    It’s the ’70s, y’all! Never underestimate the power of flowers, but don’t stare too long or you might get dizzy.

  3. Fur Swag? Or. . .

    Winter is coming…winter is coming!

  4. Party up Top

    Business on the bottom.

  5. Nothing Says Wedding Party

    Like this canary yellow number.

  6. Guess What?

    You get a veil and you get a veil and she gets a veil, and you get one too!

  7. Introducing. . .

    The Jewel Tones!

  8. On the Bride’s Cue (Wherever She Is). . .

    We’ll release the butterflies!

  9. Golden Girls

    Thank you for being a friend who would rock this glorious, shiny dress.

  10. Matchy-Matchy

    These are totally re-wearable, right? There are gloves, hats, and matching shoes!

  11. Patchwork Works

    It works for all sizes!

  12. Following the Ceremony. . .

    Join us for the reception at Stonehenge.

  13. Purple Paisley

    Those hats really complete the look and totally match the groom’s suit.

  14. Ahead of Their Time. . .

    We knew capes weren’t a new style trend (or coordinated bridesmaid bouquets)!

  15. Blue Bonnet

    Something old, something new, something borrowed, and everything blue.

This trip down memory lane highlights many of the trends that were popping during the time. Lovers of vintage style can duplicate these looks at your own risk or update them with your own twist. We happen to know that although these dresses have a lot of boom, none of these styles steal the bride’s thunder.

Now it’s time for you to go rummage through your stockpile of old bridesmaid dresses. Share a photo if you dare!

Did you get a good laugh looking at these? How many bridesmaid dresses do you have stashed away and are they hilarious? Which of these would you actually wear?

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