Sometimes people are just hilariously bad at their jobs–and their results show it. Just check out these advertising fails and you’ll see what we mean!

That being said, even workers with the important job of keeping you safe sometimes have “off” days. It’s a scary prospect that often garners some seriously hysterical images.

Here are 19 examples of the worst security fails of all time.

  1. The worst use of security cameras

    Unless the security guards who installed these cameras are attempting to make some esoteric modern art film, this isn’t going to do anyone any good!

  2. The worst WiFi password

    Sure, it’s an easy password to remember— it’s so easy, in fact, hackers can simply guess it. There goes all of your personal info!

  3. The worst installation of a chain lock

    Chain locks are cheap and effective forms of security, but what’s the point in having one if it was installed backward? That’s not going to keep the intruders out!

  4. The worst password keeper

    Can someone explain how one keeps a spiral notebook “confidential?” Something tells us you’d be much better off with a password keeper app!

  5. The worst emergency exit

    Call us crazy, but we just don’t believe that emergency exit doors should be LOCKED! Kind of defeats the purpose, wouldn’t you say?

  6. The worst use of a notepad

    One Instagram user posted the above photo along with this caption: “burglar alarm instructions left on top of alarm reset box in shop window overnight while shop is closed. #securityfail.” #securityfail is right!

  7. The worst ID badge picture

    Something tells us that it’s time for Lobby Guard to adjust the settings on their camera!

  8. The worst excuse for a locked fence

    At least the residents of this complex don’t have to remember to bring along their gate keys when they leave home. Score?

  9. The worst non-repair of a chain link fence

    Uh… does someone want to fix that?

  10. The worst use of a checkout surveillance camera

    Apparently, Target doesn’t care about monitoring tall people…

  11. The worst waste of razor wire

    This raises the question: was this razor wire installed as a joke? If so, we’re digging the irony!

  12. The worst use of an archaic security system

    Looks like they blew all of their security funds on a pricey CCTV system before buying the essentials–LOCKS.

  13. The worst non-use of white paint

    If that passcode has been there for more than 24 hours, we’re really steamed!

  14. The worst moment of security oversharing

    So, you’re saying we have exactly 5 minutes to rob this place without you stopping us? Ready, set, go!

  15. The worst placement of a metal detector

    What’s the point in having a metal detector when you can walk right around it?

  16. The worst installation of a hotel safe

    This Instagram user was stoked to find that his hotel room came with a safe. Too bad it wasn’t attached to anything…

  17. The worst use of the English language

    We agree— there ain’t no stopping rollerblades, skateboards, OR bicycles. Ride free, friends! Ride, free!

  18. The worst use of a pen

    Judging by this kid’s problem-solving skills, he may have some trouble getting that middle school diploma…

  19. The worst excuse for a “security gate”

    Please tell us that there’s some sort of electric fence under that green grass. Otherwise, this teeny tiny gate is a MAJOR fail!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these useless security measures! Which one is your favorite? Are you a security professional who would like to defend any details seen in the photos? Do you have a security fail of your own that you would like to share?

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