You go into work and as soon as you walk in the door, what happens? You have to go to the bathroom. Again. You went before you left the house and you even went in the coffee shop while you waited for your morning latte, so how could this be happening?

Having the constant urge to pee is something that millions of people struggle with worldwide. It’s something that can distract you from your day-to-day life, pull you away from important moments, and embarrass you in public.

It’s likely that you have defense mechanisms to cope with your constant urges; excuses, escape routes, maybe padding even. But the best way for you to conquer your peeing problem might be to get to the root of it.

Well, no worries, because Doctor Oz is here to get to the bottom of your issue.

The problem could very well be something called Incomplete Bladder Emptying, which is exactly how it sounds; a bladder which is unable to fully empty itself. This lingering urine is what’s causing you to run to the bathroom over and over, and what’s worse, it can also cause urinary tract infections.

Why does someone suffer from IBE? Age, hormones, and genetics can all play a part why your bladder cannot fully empty. This is a widespread issue across the world and can afflict both men and women. (This will especially effect men with smaller prostates.)

To prove his point, Doctor Oz had a volunteer come up on stage. She has struggled with the constant need to pee for years and Doctor Oz finally diagnosed her with IBE.

After doing an ultrasound on his volunteer, it was clear that she had about 8 oz. (250 ml) of urine in her bladder, despite the fact that she had already gone to the bathroom three or four times before going on camera.

Doctor Oz went on to explain that the most your bladder should be holding over excessively is 150 ml or 5 oz. Any more than this amount will lead to constant trips to the bathroom and potential infections.

No ultrasound tech casually sitting around your house? No problem! There are two at-home tests that the doctor suggests to determine if you have IBE:

1. Belly Pressing Test

In this test, as you may have assumed, you’re going to press on your stomach after urination. With both hands, press right above your pelvic bone, and you might feel the urge to pee again.

If, after just having peed, this slight pressure makes you want to go again, you need to see a urologist ASAP.

2. Double-Voiding Test

This test basically has you go to the bathroom as you would, but then go again only ten minutes later. If you can pee again after only ten minutes, there is retained urine in your bladder.

The first time you urinated should have been so thorough that there was nothing left, and if there still is, you need to see your urologist soon.


So is there a home remedy for this problem? Nothing quite to the level a professional can do, but there is a little trick that will help!

While you’re waiting for your urology appointment, Doctor Oz highly suggests incorporating flax seed into your diet. Flax seed soothes the lines of the urinary tract, prevents infection, and makes it easier to go.

Add ground up flax to your morning bowl of oatmeal or yogurt, or blend it into your daily smoothie for a discreet addition that will greatly help your urinary health.

What do you think of this important health information? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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