If you are really looking to mix things up in your garden this spring, we think it’s time that you consider using some unconventional planters. Instead of relying on those clay pot standbys, try planting your favorite flowers, herbs, fruits, and houseplants in some repurposed, everyday objects. These small changes will make a BIG difference in the overall look of your garden!

  1. Plastic Barrels

    With just a little bit of elbow grease, these seemingly unremarkable objects can double as the perfect-sized planters for veggies and herbs. As a bonus, the plastic material offers the ability to create some easily customizable drainage options.

  2. Mirrors

    If you are wanting to glam up the appearance of your houseplants, look no further than this simple dollar store hack. It’s amazing what a few mirrors and some super glue can do!

  3. Tin Cans

    Before you throw out your recycling for the week, make sure to save a few tin cans. These cheap vessels work well for planting herbs or fostering seedlings. If you are looking to get your kids into gardening, think of this as the ultimate “gateway” project!

  4. Soda Cans

    A similar project to the aforementioned tin cans, but with just a bit more flair. Along with providing a home to your beloved flowers, this shabby-chic inspired look will add some serious attitude to any outdoor space.

  5. Over-the-Door Shoe Rack

    Believe it or not, hanging one of these canvas wonders over a fence can offer you more real estate for your greenery. Just think of it as a condo for your favorite plants!

  6. Tea Kettle

    If you have a rusty antique tea kettle that you hate to get rid of, consider repurposing it as a flower pot. Stay “on-theme” by using the pot to plant your favorite tea ingredients like jasmine, lemon grass, or bergamot.

  7. Lamp

    In order to make the most of your space, you sometimes must re-think the idea of how you use your furniture. Case in point: This gorgeous see-through lamp that has an entire garden on view behind its glass.

  8. PVC Pipe

    Known for its strength and versatility, PVC can aid you in various DIY projects, but we bet you didn’t know that it can also be used to create a mesmerizing floating planter. The results for this one will make your guests stop in their tracks.

  9. Dresser

    If you are one of the many who is hoarding a broken dresser somewhere in your home, consider moving that sucker outside and putting it to good use!

  10. Shell

    Being a plant-lover means that you see almost any object as an excellent house for your flowers. Take this shell, for instance; it’s the absolute cutest way to display those teeny-tiny succulents.

  11. Pallet

    Potentially the most understated choice on our list, this common warehouse object can also be used to make a super sturdy planter.

What do you think of this garden inspiration? Have you tried any of these projects yourself? Are there any that you would like to add to this list? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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