If you’re like Hillbilly Housewife, then you love to make soups and stews in the winter time. And sometimes, you may find yourself with some leftovers, but not enough to feed your entire family for dinner. To solve the problem and prevent the leftovers from going to waste, try using soups or stews to start a casserole:

Grease a casserole dish. Take a look at your soup or stew. If it’s already pretty thick, pour it into the casserole dish. If it’s pretty soupy, either pour out some of the liquid, thicken it with some flour, or add some dry rice to your casserole mix. The rice will absorb the liquid at a 1-1 ratio while it cooks.

Once your starting base is in the baking dish, decide if you need to add something to make it enough food for the whole family. I often grab a can of corn, green beans or some kidney beans to add to the pot. Just rain them well before adding.

Next it’s time to pick a topping. If it’s a pretty filling meal already with lots of potatoes or rice on it, I top the casserole with a sprinkle of dry bread crumbs and bake until heated through.

Thanks to Hillbilly Housewife for the tip!

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