In the winter, we all have a tendency to be feeling a little down. Science has proven that we tend to feel more depressed during the winter months and I’m sure we don’t need science to prove that we all feel a little more under-the-weather November through March.

One way to combat those awful winter blues is with some all-natural remedies, like turmeric and ginger. These two super powerful foods have a boatload of anti-inflammatory nutrients and antioxidants to keep you feeling happy and healthy!

Tumeric has some seriously amazing properties, all thanks to a little compound called curcumin. Curcumin is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, provides an outstanding dose of antioxidants, helps improve your skin (bye bye, acne), regenerates your liver, and aids in digestion. Pair that with the soothing, anti-inflammatory affects of ginger and you have one amazing drink.

Try this recipe for yummy turmeric ginger milk and turn the season around for the better.

Tumeric Ginger Milk



  1. Fill up a mug of your milk of choice. Put this amount in a skillet on the stove to warm.
  2. In your food processor, blend your ginger, tumeric, sweetener, and black pepper until everything is combined.
  3. Once your milk is warmed, add it to the blender and give everything one final blend.

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