Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, agonizing over the dated look of your garage door? Yeah, we didn’t think so. It’s pretty much a well-known fact that updating garage doors is not necessarily on the top of many homeowners’ wish lists, but we think it should be, especially considering a “new” one could cost you less than a movie night out.

OK, OK, maybe not a NEW, new one, but with today’s video, it is fairly simple to modernize the overall look of the door without paying the big bucks.

Our favorite part about this tutorial is that it’s easy, cheap, and takes no time at all to give your garage door an instant face lift.

But, before you get too ahead of yourself, you need to first gather together the necessary materials. You will need:

Once you’ve got everything set, it’s time to get started on your garage door makeover.

We think the end result yields much better curb appeal! What do you think of this garage door faux window tutorial? Have you ever completed this project yourself? Do you have any other ideas about how to better dress up your garage door?

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