Some dog parents can be pretty picky about the type of food that they serve to their pet, often sticking to one brand with very specific ingredients. Others buy whatever and mix things up.

Common to both groups is l-o-v-e and the tendency to share human food. It’s so cute and so tempting, right? Popcorn, pizza crust, pretzels, carrots, watermelon – you name it, it’s been fed. But do you really know which foods should be off the table?

We don’t mean off the table and into their bellies, but those that shouldn’t be tossed in Brutus’s direction. Besides chocolate, there are other foods that your doggie should not ingest no matter how generous you’re feeling or how much those eyes tempt you.

Based on this list, what’s good for the owner (or cat) isn’t good for the pup, so be careful about what you slip into their mouths.

  1. Chocolate

    Even though you know it, we still have to list it. The toxic compound in chocolate is called theobromine, and its content is higher in dark and baking chocolate. Chocolate toxicity can lead to tummy upset, vomiting, excessive thirst, and in more severe cases, seizures, heart palpitations, or death.

  2. Sugar-Free Sweets

    Plain white sugar can certain cause blood sugar spikes and lead to diabetes if fed to your dog enough. Sugar substitute xylitol is behind hypoglycemia, and its effects can impact the liver or nervous system. Too much can be fatal.

  3. Grapes

    While your pup may have eaten a grape or two on the sly, grapes and raisins are not good for longevity – they’re known to cause renal failure in some. Watch out for fatigue or vomiting in dogs who have eaten either.

  4. Bacon

    Bacon is greasy, fatty, and salty, and while it tastes good, it can harm your dog’s pancreas, arteries, and digestive system. If your dog is eating bacon on the regular (especially pork), watch out for signs of bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

  5. Avocado

    While the pits of avocados are choking hazards, their fruity flesh contains something called persin which can be toxic to dogs. Be careful about this one!

  6. Macadamia Nuts

    Highly toxic to dogs, these nuts should never be given to them. Signs of poisoning from macadamias include weakness, vomiting, inability to walk, fever, trembling, or depression. Scientists still aren’t sure about the quantity that it takes to cause a reaction, or how the nuts affect different breeds, yet it is advised not to feed any dog macadamias.

  7. Dairy

    Dog bodies don’t have the necessary enzyme to synthesize milk sugar, so cow’s milk isn’t the best choice for them. In dogs who can’t tolerate it, dairy can lead to gastrointestinal issues – temporary or permanent. The fat in some dairy foods can also cause pancreatitis. Small amounts of cheese may be okay, but ice cream’s sugar and lactose content could cause health problems.

  8. Salty Foods

    Ingesting too much salt – like those found on snacks such as popcorn or pretzels – can cause seizures, diarrhea, bloating, or an elevated temperature.

  9. Garlic and Onion

    You’ve probably seen supplements that contain garlic, but high amounts or tiny amounts eaten on a regular basis can mess with your dog’s blood. The same goes for onions, leeks, and chives. The compounds in these foods can cause red blood cells to rupture or result in anemia.

    Look out for excessive panting, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, weakness, abdominal pain, pale gums, or gastric upset.

  10. Yeast Dough

    Baking bread and feeling like sharing? Don’t! The yeast in raw dough can lead to gastrointestinal problems because it expands in your pooch’s gut. Blockages, bloat, or a life-threatening condition could result. Yeast left to ferment could also turn into alcohol poisoning or a yeast infection.

  11. Cat Food

    The high protein and high fat content in cat food can wreak havoc on your dog’s liver and gut since their systems aren’t built for it. Avoid feeding your doggie all that protein so problems don’t occur.

  12. Cooked Bones

    The danger in feeding your dog a chicken bone or some other cooked bone lie mostly with splintering. Dogs can choke on bones but when chewing, they can break and splinter inside their mouths, throats, or digestive cavity. Surgery may be required in order to save your dog’s life.

  13. Raw Meat

    Err on the side of caution if feeding raw meats or fish to your pet. Parasites and bacteria like salmonella or E. coli could cause serious illness, and raw fats can contribute to inflammation.

  14. Alcohol

    Spill some rum on the floor? Was there a cup of beer left out after a party? Like humans, dogs can get alcohol poisoning, and it can affect breathing, coordination, or other bodily functions. Seizures, comas or death can also result.

  15. Caffeine

    Drinks or foods that contain caffeine can be harmful, especially for smaller dogs. Heart problems, tremors, stomach issues, or even death can result. Keep drinks, tea bags, diet pills, or any other items containing caffeine out of reach.

Were you aware of the potential harm caused by these foods for your dog? Have you ever dealt with a case of poisoning with your dog?

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