There are problems and stressful situations that we Tip Heroes encounter every day. There are days that we just can’t wait to end. There are times when we’re so exhausted and just want to collapse. A common solution to all of these issues? A great night’s sleep to wash it all away. But what if you couldn’t sleep well or sleep at all? In my opinion, having issues with sleeping, that wonderful activity that recharges and refuels you in life, is one of the worst problems to have.

I’ve had a lot of friends complain of sleeping problems lately. And I’ve even had some issues myself. Often times when I do get a full 8 hours of sleep, I find that I’ll still wake up feeling exhausted as if I didn’t sleep at all. It’s really frustrating. So I feel it’s long overdue that I wrote an article about one of the most important things that many of us under-appreciate.

I’ve written about ways to get more energy before. But what about attacking the root of the problem here? Most of us need more energy because we don’t get enough rest when we’re supposed to. Wouldn’t it be nice to gain all of the intended benefits of sleep and not have to resort to the energy boosters at all?

First things first though. Let’s talk about what sleep has to do with money in the first place.

How Sleep Affects Your Money

Sure, you’re aware of the importance of getting enough sleep, but you may be wondering why I’m even writing about lack of sleep on Tip Hero. What does sleep, or lack thereof, have to do with money? Well, get a load of this, my friends:

So for your health, well-being and your money, it’s time to take charge of your sleep. It’s time to take what’s rightfully yours and what all people should be able to enjoy: rejuvenating, blissful sleep. How are you going to do that? Read on.

Attacking the Enemies of Sleep

What are the enemies of sleep? They are the things that put a huge brick wall up between you and the sleep you need and deserve. I can think of a few that I struggle with on a day to day basis. Here’s how to fight those enemies, one at a time:

Stress, Anxiety and Restlessness

Light and Sound

According to Ego Developement:

Light is one of the most important external factors that can affect sleep. It does so both directly, by making it difficult for people to fall asleep, and indirectly, by influencing the timing of our internal clock and thereby affecting our preferred time to sleep. Light exposure can cause our biological clock to advance or delay, which affects our sleep and wake cycle.

So since bright lights trick our body into thinking it’s day time, “awake time,” we should avoid the following before bed:


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that things like soda, coffee, caffeinated tea, chocolate and other sweets will make it difficult for you to relax. Try implementing some of these substitutions instead:

The Worst Enemy of All: Insomnia

I went through a 2 month period of insomnia in college and I’ll never forget it. I don’t know if it was the stress of having multiple activities to keep track of, the staying up until 3am writing papers 3 times a week, the strange sounds I would often hear coming from the common room off of my dorm room, or a combination of the 3. All I know was that the harder I tried to go to sleep, the more I counted sheep to no avail.

So eventually, I dragged my cranky self to the doctor who gave me some very valuable advice that eventually cured my insomnia. Here’s was my treatment plan:

How to Wake Up More Refreshed

This is a problem I’ve struggled with recently. I tend to fall asleep quickly lately and stay asleep (from what I remember in the morning) but I wake up feeling as tired as I did when I fell asleep. This can be just as frustrating as not sleeping at all, trust me.

Unfortunately, I’ve learned that the best way to achieve feeling well rested is to do the exact opposite of what you want to do. Instead of making your bed and sleeping area as comfortable as possible, make it a little less inviting. (Not uncomfortable, but not a place where you want to spend all of your time).

Check out this interesting article from Lifehack that talks about lowering your comfort level to get better rest in less time (and avoid the habitual inner argument about the snooze button every morning). I’ve just started keeping my room darkening curtains open so the natural light wakes me up in the morning. I’m still annoyed at the sun every morning, but like all habits, this one is going to take some time and repetition to stick.

Alright, Tip Heroes, it’s your turn. What are some of your best tricks and tips for getting a good night’s sleep? Have any helpful sleeping habits to share with us? Please do so in the comments section below. Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

Sources: Help Guide, US News, Ego Development

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