My New Year’s resolution is to cash in on the coupon craze. Had been hearing a lot about the couponmom who ends up getting like $300 worth of groceries for $30, so figure I could at least aim for 10% savings by using coupons. I know I won’t spend tons of time compiling coupons, but am taking baby steps towards savings and letting other people do the grunt work for me.

Found tons of grocery coupon sites out there, but these are definitely the top:

* you have to sign up for this one too-but she is unbelieveable. I saw her on Oprah and just amazing. She is a pro!

* is good for finding out what is on sale in your neighborhood. You do have to register though.

* a great site, just select the grocery coupon tab and then highlight the coupons you want to print

* an aol coupon finder. you have to register for this too, but saw a lot of coupons that I would use.

I considered as had heard good things about it, but am not ready to pay $10 for 8 weeks worth of coupons. And charges $.10 per coupon, still savings, but again. Not ready to pay for coupons. Suppose it does make sense to pay $.10 to save $.55, but afraid I will lose them and will just be money lost.

This is another one that I saw but did not sign up for:
Figured this is the first in my baby steps. Hope this helps!


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