A credit card in the hands of a college student can be a dangerous thing, but unfortunately, college is also the time when students should start building their credit. Learning how to properly use a credit card and manage your own finances can be difficult in college, but implementing good habits early will get you on track for the rest of your adult life.

Here’s the quick rundown of important credit card tips that Money Crashers lists for college students:

  1. Find a basic credit card
  2. Always pay balances in full
  3. Avoid overspending
  4. Take advantage of parental guidance
  5. Keep credit cards in a safe, secure place
  6. Keep credit card and bank accounts at the same institution
  7. Use only one credit card
  8. Remember the CARD act of 2009
  9. Never use a co-signer
  10. Avoid rewards cards
  11. Don’t finance tuition with a credit card
  12. Look for cards without annual fees
  13. Consider secured credit cards

Here are a few of the best credit cards that Money Crashers recommends for college students:

Check out the other recommended cards along with more detailed credit card tips for students over at 10 Best Credit Cards for College Students.

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