As a parent, it’s super cute watching your children, especially your young children, make friends. Watching toddlers become fast friends at the park or during story time at the library definitely warms a mom’s heart, but during a pandemic similar playdates and interactions have come to a screeching halt.

Maybe it’s due to the lack of playdates during the pandemic. Maybe it’s just the desire for new friends. Maybe it’s because of a big, warm heart that doesn’t see differences like whether or not you have internal organs. Whatever the reason, one 2-year-old boy has become best friends with a Halloween skeleton.

Back in September, Abigail was planning to take her 2-year-old son, Theo, to a reservoir as a fun outing. Before they left, Abigail had to deal with a minor emergency. The water heater had flooded the basement. Since the basement isn’t finished, it wasn’t a really big deal, but she had to go down to the basement and clean up the water.

While they were in the basement, Theo spotted a skeleton that had been packed away with other Halloween decorations. He insisted that the skeleton come with them to the reservoir, and he has insisted that the skeleton go pretty much everywhere with him ever since.


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My son is obsessed with this skeleton.

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Theo named the skeleton Benny, and Abigail has been sharing adorable photos of Theo and Benny’s adventures on Instagram. The pair play together, eat together, watch TV together and even go shopping together.


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Fruity pebbles + skeleton = everything a 2 year old needs.

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Abigail says that many people have been supportive of her son’s new friend. She told Bored Panada, “It definitely makes a lot of people smile. A few [also] come up to us and say that it’s so cute.”

On Instagram, many people have commented that their children had similar unusual friends when they were little. One parent wrote, “This is legit one of the best things I’ve ever seeeeen! 😂 my daughter was obsessed with two paper price tags I ripped off of some clothing I bought and she carried them everywhere. She named them “tencel and wencel”.

Another parent shared, “My son does the same thing! Our skeleton is “Ricky”… he hangs in our garage and he is his favorite!!!!”

Did your children have any unusual friends when they were little?

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