Colds can be expensive; from missing work, to doctor’s office visits, to trips to the supermarket for Theraflu and cough drops, the costs can add up quickly. I was recently reading about a new website from Google that gives folks a heads-up when flu and cold activity is high in their state. The site, Google Flu Trends, charts flu activity nationally and at the state level.

The site began as a project by to see how close the volume of keyword searches for flu related keywords such as symptoms like “runny nose” or “sore throat”, or even the term “flu” itself are correlated to the volume of flu incident reports that are collected by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It turns out that the data from Google, to a high degree, is able to predict flu outbreaks as reflected in the CDC data. In fact, flu outbreaks, show up faster in the Google data than the official CDC data by about one to two weeks.

This cold and flu season I plan to check Google Flu Trends every few days to see if there is a flu outbreak in my state. When Google Flu Trends indicate flu activity is high or intense I plan to take even more precautions to try and avoid getting sick.

Here are some ways you might minimize your risk of contracting a flu or cold:

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