In the case of many items and products, prices are typically not the same from day to day. There are certain days during in a week that are ideal for finding deals on items. By cluing in to these special days, you could find yourself saving a good chunk of change from week to week. Take a look at some great advice from PT Money for knowing when to buy:

Groceries: Sunday Evening

On Sunday evenings, you’ll firstly find smaller crowds. The fresh items that have to be sold by the end of the day will likely be priced down. Also, you can use your coupons that you just clipped from the Sunday paper together with these end-of-the-day sales. Score!

Rent a Car: Tuesday/Wednesday

Since business travelers are usually on the roads Sunday night or Monday morning and vacation rentals are busy from Thursday through Saturday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be the slower days.

Gas and Airline Tickets: Wednesday

Demand for gas is usually higher on the weekends, so you’ll find prices at their lowest midweek. In addition, airlines tend to make price changes on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings. Try snagging an airline ticket on a Wednesday about 3 weeks before your trip when the airline is scrambling to fill seats. Just don’t wait much longer than 3 weeks before!

Learn about the best times to buy clothes, items from farmer’s markets and department stores, and more over at PT Money’s Best Time to Buy.

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