It’s not always easy to find time in the day to get a good workout. But you don’t need a gym membership or more than 7-minutes to get a total body workout in the comfort of your own home every day. Take a look at this “scientific 7-minute workout” that was featured in the New York Times:

According to an article in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal:

In 12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall, it fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort – all of it based on science.

Chris Jordan, the director of exercise physiology at the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, FL, says that this workout is effective because it is a form of interval training. You perform extremely intense activities, and between each, you allow 10 seconds of rest/recovery.

The exercises should be performed in rapid succession, allowing 30 seconds for each, while, throughout, the intensity hovers at about an 8 on a discomfort scale of 1 to 10, Mr. Jordan says. Those seven minutes should be, in a word, unpleasant. The upside is, after seven minutes, you’re done.

Read more about this workout over at The New York Times’ The Scientific 7-Minute Workout.

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