Anyone else get super overwhelmed when they go to the nail salon for a manicure? With the vast array of nail polish colors there are out there these days, making the right color decision can feel daunting.

Plus, let’s not even talk about choosing between round or square, gel or dip, this design or that design, the list goes on and on. The nail salon is truly not a place for the indecisive.

Speaking of designs, it used to be that salons offered simple ones like a French manicure or even the rhinestone here or there. But nowadays? There are so many bizarre nail trends going on.

There are lots of other ridiculous nail trends—from hairy nails to duck feet nails and everything in between.

Ever hear of colored pencil nails? Yeah, that’s right—nails in the shape and design of your favorite coloring materials as a kid. Not only are these nails shaped like colored pencils, but you can actually use your fingernails to color on paper like the real thing.

Yeah, there are some bizarre trends going on. But nothing compares to the most recent one that’s been added to the list of outrageous nail trends. This one isn’t just weird—it’s freaky.

It’s called “teeth nails.” Yes, we said teeth nails.

Now, we know we have teeth in our mouth. And we rock those when we’re smiling, laughing, what-have-you. But having teeth on your fingernails just seems kind of strange.

The trend began when the Russian-based nail studio @nail_sunnny (the same place who started the colored-pencil nail trend) posted a video of teeth nails, showcasing how this design is replicated on someone’s nails.


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Teeth nails- YAY OR NAY ? #nailsunnytutorial Video by @edo_movs

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The video shows the entire process of how the manicurist molds each tooth. They really got down to every last detail, from the curvature of every tooth to even giving one a cavity.

While the post itself didn’t provide any explanation for how teeth nails became a thing, it did ask people for their opinions on it. And, like us, it seems like most of the internet is a bit lost on this one.

“Excuse me, but why are “teeth nails” a thing? I’m not sure I can live in a world where people construct 3D teeth on their nails,” someone wrote.

“Really? Teeth shaped acrylic nails? Like, really? Can you not? Can you just fall off the planet? Yesterday?” someone else posted. In spite of many comments from people questioning the decision, the nail group did get a few positive comments saying that the nails are creative.

“All your ideas are incredibly original and the execution is perfect! Don’t listen to the haters and please keep doing what you do because there are people out here that appreciate the humor and art,” someone said.

We’ll leave it up to you—what do you think of “teeth nails”? Would you ever get this design on your nails? What’s your go-to design or color when you head to the nail salon for a manicure?

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