Of all the songs that people like to belt out, among the most difficult are Mariah Carey’s and Whitney Houston’s. TV talent shows and karaoke bar performances all over the world treat audiences to amateurs ambitiously taking on these songs. Sometimes they wow, other times they, well . . . not so much.

It’s always fun when the effect trickles down to the kids. Shy guy Jack Vidgen decided to audition for Australia’s Got Talent. His first school performance was daunting but went well, giving him the boost of confidence he needed to keep singing. At age 14 he took the stage for the hit show’s tryouts, singing a song by – you guessed it – Whitney Houston.

During his pre-performance interview, Jack shared that he was used to singing mostly for family. He spoke about how much it would mean to him for his multiple-sclerosis-stricken father to see him shine. Citing Justin Bieber as an inspiration, the soft-spoken teen was pumped about his audition.

Hitting the stage with a Bieber-ish haircut, he told the judges he’d be singing “I Have Nothing.” You know how this goes. Anytime a contestant announces they’re singing a biggie like that, everyone mentally prepares for what’s about to go down. People become skeptical, but interested. But Jack shut it down with his amazing take on the classic tune.

You just have to watch the video. You might also need someone to help you come scrape your jaw off the floor. Jack’s opening was crisp and strong, and as the song built up, he hit the notes with ease. If you started singing along with him while watching this video, you may be questioning your own pitch. And since Whitney’s songs are notoriously difficult to sing, you’ll find Jack to be extraordinarily talented.

Judge Brian McFadden had his mouth open during the entire performance, while Danii Minogue cheered harder than the audience. As Jack continued to do the song incredible justice, his mom tearfully watched from backstage. And the crowd stood. Peep the video to hear his ridiculously beautiful voice, and the judges’ reactions at the end of his act. If that was just the audition, what else would be in store?

The young man went on to win the competition in 2011, performing a string of powerful ballads by Adele, Jennifer Holliday, and an original piece. Following his win, Jack released two albums that did pretty well on the charts. By age 19, he decided to bow out of the music business and focus on himself.

Citing the fame and spotlight as being too much, Jack took a job working at an aged care facility for people with dementia. With a voice as phenomenal as his and a YouTube count of his audition at over 61,000,000, we hope that a return to music is in his future.

Out of all the covers you’ve heard of Whitney Houston’s legendary songs, how does this one place? What did you think of the way Jack crushed this song, and were you singing along too? Tell us in the comments!

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