Recently, we told you a story about how a simple misdial turned into a life-saving scenario masterminded by, randomly enough, a Jimmy John’s driver. We were so intrigued by the story that we decided to scour the Internet for similar tales of strangers connecting. Surprisingly, our research revealed one, very illuminating trend–the #wrongnumber text message.

Predictably, some recipients aren’t all that nice when they receive these unsolicited SMSs, but others respond in downright heroic–and often hilarious–ways! Here are 11 of our all-time favorite #wrongnumber texts…

  1. The time a stranger provided some much-needed love advice

  2. The time two strangers bonded over a disastrous parent group meeting

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    #text #wrongnumber #wrongnumbertexts #memes #funny

    A post shared by @ ilovewhenyousayyouhateme on

  3. When a stranger does his best to not “make things weird”

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    This wasn’t even the weirdest thing that happened to me today. #wrongnumber #wrongnumbertexts

    A post shared by Adam Ruiz (@arisalwaysreal) on

  4. When a stranger doles out some pretty delicious medical advice

  5. When a stranger really bonds with the other dudes in the group chat

  6. When a stranger finally treats a lady like the queen she is

  7. When a stranger is really impressed with those great grades

    I had accidently given my son the wrong number to send his grades to his grandfather. This was the stranger’s reply. from r/wholesomememes

  8. When a stranger really digs your style

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    Those #wrongnumbertexts. At least they like your #style though @brettriesling ;)

    A post shared by Emily Tresidder (@emtrez) on

  9. When a stranger shares some pretty cute pics of their…cat?!

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    @jessf45 @brookefariass

    A post shared by Katie Granger (@katienicole7) on

  10. When two strangers are really proud of your accomplishment

    dad sent my grad pics to the wrong number

  11. When a grandma accidentally invites a stranger to Thanksgiving and he actually shows up…two years in a row!


    How sweet are all of those?! Sometimes kindness reveals itself in the most unexpected of places–like a serendipitous text message!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these texts. Which one is your favorite? Have you ever received a text from a stranger? If so, how did you respond?

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