Beards: You either love ‘em or hate ‘em! This polarizing facial hair has a way of inciting some seriously strong responses, especially for the partners of the men who decide to go for the Paul Bunyan look.

Though we tend to think self-expression is certainly a beautiful, healthy thing, we have to admit that we are suckers for seeing dudes finally ditch that extra fuzz.

Take the star of today’s video, for instance. This guy starts with one of the densest set of whiskers we’ve seen in a while, but by the end, we actually get to catch a glimpse of this handsome man’s face, hair-free!

It all starts with a guy named Robi taking a video selfie of himself and his sweet wife—their love for each other is so evident! And while we can tell by her body language that she certainly doesn’t mind having to search for his lips through that forest of wiry hair in order to kiss him, we imagine that it can get to be a bit itchy at times!

Now, the clip isn’t all about this couple’s affection for one another; our hairy hero has an entirely covert mission in mind. You see, Robi has decided on his own that it’s time to part with his one-and-a-half years of facial hair growth.

In most other situations, the man would tell his partner that he is going to ditch the beard, but our dude comes up with a much more fruitful way of showing off his smooth face, by completely surprising his wife and young daughter.

So, he takes the camera in with him to the bathroom and holds the electric razor up to that bountiful beard. Surprisingly, he doesn’t have to use a Weedwacker to get through the bulk of it; the excess fuzz simply falls off into the sink. That is when we get our first glimpse at his strong jawline—Robi’s quite handsome clean-shaven!

When finished, the dude climbs back into bed with his wife and reveals to us that she has actually never even seen him without a beard! He cuddles up to his honey with camera in-hand, and she opens her eyes and smiles. Wow, this lady must really love her husband—most women would be complaining about that middle of the night wakeup call!

At first she doesn’t realize her hubby’s incredible physical change, but when she gives him a second look, her eyes instantly widen. She starts uncontrollably giggling and whispers, “Robi, what have you done?!” She smooths her hand over his face, then goes back to belly laughing.

So, what do you think? Do she and his friends love or hate Robi’s new clean-cut look? To see the incredible surprise reactions for yourself, be sure to click on the video below. Their kid’s response is absolutely priceless!

What do you think of this physical transformation? Have you ever shaved off a long beard before? If so, did your loved ones react favorably? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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